With a tie and a leather jacket, The president of Argentina, Javier Milei, rocked in front of thousands of fans during the launch of his latest book of economy in Buenos Aires on Wednesday night, May 22, 2024.

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“I wanted to do this because I wanted to sing,” Milei told viewers, before performing his own version of a local rock song at the Luna Park stadium, which has hosted major sporting events and concerts by international stars.

Then in another turn, He launched into a long lecture on his 13th book, “Capitalism, Socialism, and the Neoclassical Trap.”

Milei returned to some of his favorite topics that he has raised in international forums, such as criticize socialism and abortion, who said it was a “mechanism to massacre populations.”

The 53-year-old libertarian was a outsider politician when he was elected last year amid a wave of anti-government sentiment and promised to halt Argentina’s decades of economic decline.

At the concert he regained his rock star personality, a vestige of his youth playing in a Rolling Stones cover band, which won over voters during his election campaign.

“I’m here to support Javier in everything he does. I like his ideas, I like what he does, “He is sincere, he is transparent, he says what he thinks,” said Santiago Roldán, a 20-year-old supermarket employee. he told AFP.

Milei, an economist who became a popular television panelist before entering politics, gave a lesson in liberal economics stretching from ancient Egypt to the fall of the Berlin Wall.

As the evening progressed, many of the around 10,000 followers left.

Milei “continues to be a character who likes to put on a show,” said political scientist Carlos Fara.

The firebrand president has been in the international spotlight in recent days after he called the Spanish prime minister’s wife “corrupt,”Pedro Sánchez, which sparked a diplomatic dispute.

The spectacle came just hours after the release of the latest statistics showing economic activity had slowed by 8.4 percent year-on-year in March, amid his government’s austerity drive.

Milei cut public spending, cut the cabinet in half, eliminated tens of thousands of government jobs, suspended new public works contracts and eliminated fuel and transportation subsidies.

Also devalued the peso by 50% and the measures have hit consumers hard. While inflation is slowing, prices are still about 290 percent higher than a year ago.

>>> You can also read: Nicolás Maduro says that Javier Milei is “complicit in the genocide against the Palestinian people”

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/milei-canto-como-un-rockstar-en-el-lanzamiento-de-su-libro-de-economia-cb20

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