A Most of the 667 fires that have broken out in Greece in recent weeks were started “by human hand”revealed the country’s main official in the fight against the climate crisis.
Vassilis Kikilias, Greek minister in charge of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection, said that during the first three weeks of July, “667 fires occurred, i.e. more than 60 fires per dayalmost all over the country”. “unfortunately, most were started by human hand, whether by criminal negligence or intent”.
Quoted by The Guardian, Kikilias argued that the involvement of arsonists, with the intention of spreading the fires, can be proved by the fact that, in certain places, fires started simultaneously at points close to each other.
“The difference with other years was the weather conditions. Climate change, which spawned an unprecedented and historic heat wave, is here. There were few days when extreme weather was not combined with strong winds.“, he continued, at a time when meteorologists recorded record temperatures for this time of year.
Fires in Greece killed three citizens and injured 74 others, forcing in a single day, around 20,000 people – mostly tourists – leave the island of Rhodeswhich was most affected by this month’s fires.
The flames are still burning in Rhodes and on the islands of Corfu and Evia, but this Friday was the first day that emergency services were not on high alert, says the Guardian.
Also Read: Pope calls for “courageous efforts” to tackle climate change
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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2370729/maioria-dos-fogos-na-grecia-ocorreram-por-mao-humana-dizem-autoridades