SÁnchez made the request to the other leaders of the Atlantic Alliance in his speech at the first session of the summit held in Washington, coinciding with the 75th anniversary of the organization.

Much of this intervention, behind closed doors like that of practically all the leaders, was dedicated, according to Spanish Government sources cited by the EFE agency, to praising the increase in NATO’s efforts on the southern flank and the solidarity that continues to exist at all times with Ukraine.

He then called for coherence and said that if the allies demand that International Law be respected in Ukraine, in the defense of this country against the Russian invasion, they should also demand that it be complied with in the Gaza Strip, in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas.

The President of the Government of Madrid said that NATO has always emphasized that its strength lies in unity, and in a globalized world he considered that it must be accompanied by coherence.

If it fails to do so, he believes, NATO could be accused of applying double standards that would weaken support for Ukraine.

Sánchez reiterated Spain’s full commitment to the Ukrainian cause, as the Spanish Government believes was evident in the bilateral security agreement signed in Madrid with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

The ten-year agreement means that Spain will allocate one billion euros in military aid to Kiev, an amount that will already count as Spain’s contribution to the distribution of 40 billion euros to Ukraine by its allies, which must be approved at the summit in Washington.

Sánchez also told the other leaders that Spain will fulfill its commitment and in 2029 its defense spending will be 2% of its GDP.

Read Also: Pedro Sánchez welcomes the French and British’s yes to “social progress”

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2596153/nato-sanchez-pede-coerencia-no-tratamento-da-ucrania-e-de-gaza

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