O President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, has been having a very busy day, taking up some airtime on Russian television, however, so far, he has not commented on the death of Alexei Navalny, his main opponent. At the same time, the press is not talking much about the activist’s death and there is not much space for those who want to offer their condolences.

Journalist Francis Scarr, from BBC Monitoring, who is responsible for analyzing Russian state television, has been sharing his assessment via the social network X.

“Meanwhile, in another universe, Putin is saying he expects Russia’s benchmark interest rate increase to be just a temporary measure. Putin is having a full day of television engagements, but has not yet commented on Navalny’s death.”, he wrote. Previously, she had already noticed that Putin had appeared “in a very good mood” at a meeting.

Analyzing, for example, the Russian state agency TASS, there are several news items with statements from Putin, but none of them about his opponent. A piece of news about the Russian president is, in fact, highlighted on his website, but it reads: “The West’s colonial past and present are ‘shameful’, says Putin.”

Furthermore, little emphasis was given to death. “Don’t expect the Russian state media to say much about Navalny’s death. This is the announcement made by Channel One, in which the presenter limits himself to reciting brief statements from the prison services and the investigative committee”, Scarr wrote. The same happened with other channels, which broadcast reports on other topics.

There also seems to be little space to offer condolences. “Nikolai Rybakov, one of the ‘liberals’ who continues to be invited onto Russian state television (where he is systematically ridiculed and ignored), attempted to offer condolences for Navalny’s death and call for the release of political prisoners Presenter Andrei Norkin interrupted him, of course“, noted the journalist.

Navalny died today, aged 47, in a penal colony in the Arctic, where he had been transferred in December, after being in a prison in the Vladimir region, less than 200 kilometers from Moscow.

The news was released by Russia’s prison services. Navalny’s supporters have not yet confirmed the dissident’s death.

Navalny’s multiple trials were widely denounced as political and a way to punish him for opposing Vladimir Putin.

Russian authorities have provided virtually no details about the conditions of Navalny’s death, limiting themselves to a concise statement. They said they had done everything in their power to revive the opponent, who was in poor health after collapsing while walking.

Read Also: Smiling and without complaints. Video shows Navalny’s last appearance

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2503255/navalny-putin-calado-televisao-pouco-fala-e-comentadores-silenciados

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