Abel Guzmán is still a fugitive after having murdered Germán Medina, his co-worker, on March 20 in Recoleta, Argentina. Unpublished images of this crime were known, which shook the community.

Although the criminal has been searched in different places, such as Santiago del Estero, and houses where he possibly has access have been raided, His capture has not been achieved.

However, everything indicates that he is still in Recoleta, given that on April 3 Images were known where he was captured by a security camera chasing Facundo Verdini with a firearm in his hand, owner of the hair salon where the tragic event occurred.

In the video you can see that Verdini does not leave the space until one of the workers enters, apparently to tell him that he can leave.

The victim of the crime was identified as Germán Medina, was 33 years old and was a native of the town of Morón. He was a hairdresser and was in fashion shows, television and worked for famous people.

In networks it is said that he was a charismatic person capable of transmitting confidence.

But according to preliminary investigation Abel Guzmán ended the stylist’s life “due to a problem with formaldehyde”since this chemical is prohibited due to its high level of toxicity and Germán Medina accused the fugitive with his boss, Facundo Verdini, of using it on his clients, which led to the change of position in the establishment between the two workers and thus to the annoyance of the offender.

14 days after the crime, Abel Guzmán is still a fugitive from justice and what is known is that the case is being handled by Judge Javier Sánchez Sarmiento.

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/se-conocieron-nuevas-imagenes-del-crimen-de-un-hombre-al-interior-de-una-peluqueria-en-argentina-rg10

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