A newborn baby died from lack of oxygen after The nurses who were supposed to assist with the birth did not provide the necessary help and began to joke.

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According to investigations, the child would have survived if he had received prompt attention, It was learned that the staff took 40 minutes to evaluate the mother, despite being the only patient waiting to give birth.

Amelia Bradley, 26, told the hearing at Nottingham coroner’s court in England that she repeatedly called for “help in agony” as she listened to nurses joke about how much candy they had eaten the night before.

According to the British newspaper The Telegraph, several nurses were at the hospital and Bradley was not treated for 15 minutes after her arrival, as specified by the regulations.

When the woman was finally attended to, The health personnel noticed that the baby had a slow heart rate and the decision was made to perform an emergency cesarean section.

Although the child was transferred to a specialized neonatal unit, he died the next day (September 14, 2023). The autopsy revealed that he suffered brain injuries due to lack of oxygen.

What happened to the mother of the dead baby?

The mother of the deceased baby started a midwifery course hoping that this tragedy will never happen to any other family again.

“I’m training to be a midwife from September and Theo is my inspiration,” Amelia Bradley told the BBC.

She added that “the new midwives who are being trained could be the change that maternity services need. We can make a difference.”

Finally, Phil Bolton, head nurse at the hospital, indicated that have “gone through a thorough HR process following the death of baby Theo and appropriate action has been taken.”

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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/bebe-recien-nacido-murio-luego-de-que-enfermeras-se-pusieran-a-bromear-y-no-lo-atendieran-rg10

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