The world rejects the crime committed by the Israeli army in a refugee camp in Rafah, where a bombing left 45 dead, 23 of them women and children.

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The International Court of Justice ordered a halt to the offensive in that territory of the Gaza Strip. The paradox is that the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, described the event as a “tragic incident.” His army assured that they are investigating.

Ahmed mourns his sister, and the nephew he never met. “She was seven months pregnant. Her room was bombed. “What did that innocent child do to deserve this?”he indicated.

More than 40 people died in the camp located in the Gazan city of Rafah, which It had been designated by the Israeli army as a “safe zone”, and in which, now, only twisted cans and ashes remain.

Shelters destroyed, like the tent in which Jamal Al-attar remained, who will have to flee for the eighth time in seven months of war. “Gaza burns every day, every hour. The place where we stayed was attacked, our children were killed and our women and the elderly were burned,” Jamal said.

Israel reiterates that the attack, in which two senior Hamas officials were killed, targeted targets of the extremist group. However, both Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli Army’s chief prosecutor spoke out about the harm to the civilian population.

“Some incidents like last night’s in Rafah are very serious. The details are still under investigation, which we are committed to carrying out to the fullest,” said Yifat Tomer Yerushalmi, chief prosecutor of the Israeli Army.

>>> Israel is determined to continue the offensive in Rafah, despite the CJI ruling that ordered it to stop

What did Benjamin Netanyahu say?

Regarding the bombing of the refugee camp in Rafah, the Prime Minister of Israel said that “despite our efforts not to harm those not involved, unfortunately a tragic incident occurred. We are investigating the case.”

The fact It has also unleashed indignation from the international community. The UN high commissioner for human rights said he was horrified and demanded accountability. The European Union also spoke out.

“I condemn this in the strongest terms. This shows that there is no safe place in Gaza and these attacks come immediately after the International Court of Justice ordered to stop the offensive”said Josep Borrell, high representative of the EU for foreign affairs.

The African Union and countries such as France, Italy, Belgium, Turkey and the mediators in the conflict, Egypt and Qatar, have expressed their rejection.

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