Lesch, who also moderates the well-known television program “Leschs Kosmos”, supports the thesis that extraterrestrials exist and are hostile to the inhabitants of the earth. He believes that a visit from extraterrestrials would be associated with a “merging with us living beings”.

Aliens could gut our planet for raw materials

Possibly extraterrestrials would take our planet only for the raw materials. “The idea that someone comes to us who is wise and philosophizes, such as ET or Master Yoda, is a bit naive,” Lesch emphasized in an interview with the newspaper.

Physicist believes in timely discovery of an Earth-like planet

Harald Lesch, 63, who also teaches natural philosophy, deals with extraterrestrial life in his new book “The uncanny silence: Why are extraterrestrial intelligences and super-civilizations silent?”.

The physicist from the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich believes that an Earth-like planet will be discovered in the near future: “I expect that in the next ten years we will discover a planet that has similar atmospheric conditions to Earth,” says Lesch. He doesn’t know if there will be a meeting with extraterrestrials right away.

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Source: https://www.focus.de/panorama/welt/erdbewohnern-gegenueber-feindlich-eingestellt-physiker-harald-lesch-warnt-vor-besuch-von-ausserirdischen_id_201476098.html

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