OThe objects were returned by the Arolsen Archives, dedicated to the victims of Nazism, during a ceremony in Warsaw.

These archives contain approximately 30 million documents, including files from the SS (Nazi state paramilitary police) and the Gestapo (Nazi secret police), concentration camp records, as well as hundreds of envelopes with personal effects from former prisoners.

As part of the #StolenMemory campaign, the fund began in 2016 to search for descendants of concentration camp victims and return objects to them.

“Each family found and each object returned is a possibility that opens up the reconstruction of the fate of the victims and their history”, highlighted the Arolsen Archives, in a press release.

The ceremony was organized in Warsaw ahead of the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the August 1944 uprising in the Polish capital against the Nazi occupiers.

The objects returned today belonged to two Polish civilians arrested by the Nazis during the occupation and sent to die in concentration camps.

On August 1, 1944, between 20,000 and 50,000 poorly armed rebels, soldiers of the AK clandestine army dependent on the Polish government in exile in London, rebelled against the Nazi occupier, and when Soviet troops were at the city’s gates.

During 63 days of fighting, and with Stalin’s Red Army choosing not to intervene, 200,000 civilians were killed and the town was turned into a pile of ruins, and then razed to the ground, before Hitler ordered the withdrawal of his army.

The Arolsen Archives intends to return around a hundred objects this year to the families of people deported from Warsaw during the uprising.

Read Also: Russian-American citizen sentenced in Russia for “rehabilitating Nazism”

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2578883/polonia-fundo-alemao-devolve-objetos-a-familiares-de-vitimas-do-nazismo

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