This Friday, the Australian authorities accused a police officer, arrested hours before, ofr the alleged murder of former TV presenter Jesse Baird and her boyfriend Luke Davis, whose belongings were found this week in a rubbish bin in Sydney.
Beau Lamarre, 28, who was wanted by the New South Wales State Police as part of the investigation into the disappearance of the couple, turned himself in this morning at a police station in the popular neighborhood of Bondi, in the east of Sydney.
After the arrest, New South Wales Police Superintendent Daniel Doherty said in a press conference that Lamarre will be charged with two counts of murder when he appears in court this Friday.
Doherty explained that Lamarre is suspected of using his firearm to murder Baird and Davis on Monday night at the home of the former presenter, one of the popular faces of the Australian channel Network 10, in the suburb of Paddington, east of Sydney.
Investigations indicate that the accused later used a rented white van, which has already been confiscated by the Police, to transport the couple’s bodies to an undetermined location.
The bodies have not yet been found and authorities have not yet determined the motives for the alleged double homicide.
The police specified that the arrested officer is “a high-ranking agent assigned to a specialized command” who would be an acquaintance of Baird, with whom he would have had intimate relations.
During the investigations, they have also found “a projectile and a firearm casing that match a police firearm, and that firearm belongs to the 28-year-old man we charged today”Doherty said.
Police began investigating last Wednesday the disappearance of Baird, 26, and Davis, a 29-year-old flight attendant for the Qantas airline, after some of their belongings were found that day in a garbage container in the neighborhood of Cronulla, south of Sydney.
The discovery of these bloody objects, including a watch, a telephone and a credit card, led the police to search Baird’s home in the exclusive Paddington neighborhood, where they also found traces of blood.
To date, the New South Wales Police have searched Baird’s home, declared a crime scene, and Davis’s, and a third house in the Balmain neighborhood, northwest of the city, where they confiscated several objects.
Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/policia-es-senalado-de-asesinar-a-un-expresentador-de-tv-y-su-novio-en-australia-cb20