O Pope Francis denounced, this Wednesday, the “hypocrisy” of those who were scandalized by his decision to allow the blessing of same-sex couples, but which does not manifest itself in other situations.
“No one will be scandalized if I give my blessing to a businessman who exploits people, and that is a very serious sin. But they will be shocked if you give it to a homosexual. This is hypocrisy”, said the head of the Catholic Church, in an interview with the Italian magazine Credere, cited by Reuters.
Back in January, the pontiff defended that “the Lord blesses all who see him” and that the Church must take their hand and “not condemn them from the beginning.”
At issue is the growing criticism of the ‘Fiducia Supplicans’ Declaration, approved on December 18, which allows clerics to give blessings to same-sex or “irregular” couples, without this being a justification or equation for marriage.
Despite resistance from some bishops in Africa, Poland and elsewhere, the Vatican defended, at the beginning of the year, that the norm has nothing “heretical”, even though it admitted that “prudence and attention to the ecclesiastical context and the Local culture may allow for different application methods.”
This was the first time that the Church made a clear statement on the blessing of same-sex couples, an issue that generates tensions within the institution, due to strong opposition from the conservative sector.
Since his election in 2013, Pope Francis has insisted on the importance of a church “open to all”, having therefore taken several measures that have raised the ire of conservatives.
Read Also: Pope admits resistance in Africa to blessing homosexual couples
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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2497450/papa-denuncia-hipocrisia-de-quem-critica-bencaos-a-casais-homossexuais