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Like the tomato, this colorful fruit vegetable is very popular for its good taste which goes easily with many recipes, and in particular with sunshine vegetables. It is also consumed for its benefits and its high content of various vitamins. There are all kinds and colors, but the main varieties remain green, yellow and red. So how do you find your way among all these shapes and colors? Which is the best? Dietician and author Nathalie Majcher answers the question on Instagram account @DrBonneBouffe!
According to Nathalie Majcher, it’s definitely red! On her Instagram account, she explains that to multiply by 10 your consumption of beta caroteneyou have to replace the green pepper and the yellow pepper speak Red bell pepper ! Beta-carotene is a antioxidant which stimulates the synthesis of melanin and protects our cells against free radicals. Indeed, the green pepper contains only 120 micrograms of beta-carotene against 1,620 micrograms in the red pepper. “The richness in beta-carotene of red pepper would be linked to its ability to accumulate much more pigments in its skin compared to yellow pepper and green pepper,” explains the dietitian.
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Obviously, ripening plays a big part in the difference in benefits between the three peppers : “Ripening precisely allows the development of all the aromatic compounds and pigments that act as nutrients for us, explains the expert. The riper a fruit/vegetable is, the more nutritionally rich it is”.
And basically, all peppers are green! It is therefore at full maturity that the green pepper changes color. But that does not prevent it from being eaten when it is still green, as it is ideal for stews. It is, however, much less digestible. The yolk is ideal in salads with its tender side, while the red pepper is softer and sweeter, perfect for cooking. All you have to do is cook your peppers like it should be !