“DI decided to apply for the position of secretary general”, he declared during a brief speech, presenting as an argument his experience in the presidency of the Balkan country and Eastern Europe.

Romania, a country defined as NATO’s “advance guard” since the Russian military invasion of Ukraine, has intensified efforts in the last two years to modernize its defense, following its accession to the military organization in 2004.

“The time has come for Romania to assume even greater responsibilities given the current security context”, declared the Romanian President, 64 years old.

From his perspective, this is “a legitimate aspiration” for his country, which “has undergone profound transformations” and “can contribute to realizing a new vision” in the face of the “serious and lasting Russian threat”.

Klaus Iohannis faces competition from Mark Rutte, 57 years old, whose name has been circulating for months and with insistence to occupy the position currently held by the Norwegian Stoltenberg.

The decision requires the consensus of the Atlantic Alliance member states, currently 32 after Sweden’s recent accession.

Several countries – France, the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany – expressed support for the outgoing Prime Minister of the Netherlands.

Hungary, which has maintained relations with Russia after the invasion of Ukraine (started in February 2022), has already indicated that it opposes Rutte’s appointment.

Read Also: The chronology of conflicts in Putin’s Russia until the invasion of Ukraine

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2520129/presidente-romeno-klaus-iohannis-anuncia-candidatura-a-lideranca-da-nato

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