“O The Kyiv regime has long been waging a full-scale terrorist war against our country, something its representatives openly admit,” the SVR said in a statement.

The Ukrainian position is proof that the March 22 attack in Moscow is related to the attacks on regions such as Kursk and Belgorod, according to the SVR, cited by the Spanish agency EFE.

The two countries have been at war since February 2022, when Russian troops invaded Ukraine.

The SVR also denounced that in actions against Russian territory, Kiev actively uses satellite information provided by US intelligence.

“It is obvious that the United States, by acquitting the Kiev regime and providing it with assistance, risks being suspected of involvement in international terrorism,” he said.

The SVR also denounced what it described as a Western disinformation campaign to ensure that Russia “is in the crosshairs” of the Islamic State.

For this connection, the SVR referred to the war in Chechnya, Russia’s support for the Syrian leader, Bashar al-Assad, and contacts with the Taliban.

The United States, according to the SVR, was trying to promote among its allies the hypothesis of the participation of the Islamic State of Khorasan Province (ISPK) in the Moscow attack.

The objective would be to eliminate “any suspicion” about Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and his circle.

“SVR reports that the Joe Biden Administration has intensified efforts to create a distorted picture of the March 22 terrorist attack in Russia,” according to the statement.

The Russian Investigative Committee announced today that it will investigate the possible involvement of the United States, Ukraine and other Western countries in the organization, financing and commission of terrorist attacks against Russia.

Moscow admitted that the attack was carried out by a group of Islamists of Tajik origin, but has insisted on looking for a “Ukrainian footprint”.

He even claimed to have proof of Kiev’s financing of terrorists, a claim that Zelensky categorically denied.

The Federal Security Service (FSB) announced today that a foreigner detained in Dagestan, in the Russian North Caucasus, has confessed to having supplied the weapons used in the March 22 attack.

“I took the weapons to those boys who attacked the Crocus City Hall in Moscow. I took them from Makhachkala [capital do Daguestão] to Mitishi”, in the suburbs of the Russian capital, admitted the detainee in a video released by the FSB.

The images were released after the FSB declared that four foreigners detained in Dagestan purchased and supplied weapons to the attackers.

According to the FSB, the detainees, who were part of a terrorist cell, were planning an attack in the city of Kaspiisk, on the shores of the Caspian Sea, in Dagestan.

“We wanted to detonate a bomb in the middle of a crowd,” said one of the detainees.

The FSB did not reveal the identity of the four foreigners, according to the Spanish agency Europa Press.

Read Also: Ukraine: Russian occupation officer killed in car bomb attack

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2531822/russia-relaciona-ataque-em-moscovo-com-ataques-fronteiricos-ucranianos

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