A Russia summoned the French ambassador to Moscow to discuss comments made by French Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Stephane Sejourne, on relations between the two countries.

According to the Reuters agency, the Kremlin did not like the position Sejourne took when he commented that there was no longer interest on the part of Paris in dialogue with Russia, indicating that “the statements and reports made about the dialogues are lies.” Days later, Pierre Levy was summoned to discuss these statements.

“The French ambassador was informed of the unacceptable nature of such statements, which have nothing to do with reality,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

Furthermore: the guardianship said it sees these statements by the French Minister of Foreign Affairs “as a conscious and deliberate action on the French side, with the aim of undermining the possibility of any dialogue between the two countries”.

“Currently, it is not in our interest to hold debates with Russian authorities because the statements and summaries issued about them are lies”, said, more specifically, Stéphane Séjourné to broadcasters France24 and RFI.

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2539559/russia-convoca-embaixador-frances-por-comentarios-de-ministra

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