Ahe Russian presidential elections end this Sunday and, just hours before Vladimir Putin’s re-election is confirmed, many citizens are still going to the polling stations.

The election began on Friday and so far some more conflictive situations have been recorded in several cities in Russia – which have already resulted in 74 people being detained.

But Russian citizens also voted across borders, traveling to their respective embassies. In Portugal, hundreds of Russian citizens headed to the embassy to vote – mainly from midday onwards.

It was also around the same time that Alexei Navalny’s widow appeared in Berlin, Germany, to join the Russian citizens who voted there. The timing is not a coincidence, as Yulia Navalnaya appealed to voters to, in protest, gather at the polling stations at that time – and then vote invalid or, if they preferred, write ‘Navalny’ on the ballot papers.

These small protests took place all over the world, including in the United Kingdom, where several voters gave their testimony to Sky News.

To the British press, one of the approximately 200 voters was Aleksandra Kallenberg, who has been in the United Kingdom since last October. “I ruined my ballot. At least the government will know that it doesn’t have our support. As long as Putin is leader I won’t go back to Russia, but I hope to return when it’s a free country”said the 19-year-old girl, who voted for the first time.

There was also another young man, Dmitrii Moskovskii, who moved to the United Kingdom when the war in Ukraine began.

“We are here to show unity and solidarity – to show that there are many people here who do not support Putin”explained the young man, aged 19.

Read Also: Putin should be (re)elected today. What has happened? Who is ‘voting’?

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2522942/russos-em-londres-estragam-boletins-de-voto-as-imagens-dos-protestos

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