In the afternoon of last Friday, March 15, 2024, it was presented a tragic event in the Buenos Aires town of Blaquier, in Argentina. Six people died after one of them fell into a sewer pit and the rest tried to rescue her.

According to what was reported by Todo Noticias, a plumber identified as Ricardo Bottega was hired to carry out pumping work in the structure.
Apparently this person He entered the excavation without the necessary protection and inhaled butane gaswhich is released from the liquid stagnant there.

With the intention of helping the man, five residents of the area went down to the well to help him, however, they died due to possible inhalation of the gas. Three of these people worked as firefighters.

“As they descended for this purpose, they suffered the consequences, presumably, associated with the inhalation of concentrated gases,” local authorities specified.

The causes of this tragedy are still a matter of investigation. An autopsy will be performed on the bodies of the victims to finally determine what caused their death.


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