Chancellor Olaf Scholz wants to end the dispute in the coalition quickly. “We will pass a law on growth opportunities this month,” said the SPD politician on Wednesday at the Entrepreneurs’ Day in North Rhine-Westphalia in Düsseldorf. The aim is to relieve companies across the board in view of the current economic challenges.

Scholz is violently booed before the speech at the Entrepreneur Day

Before his speech at the Entrepreneurs’ Day in North Rhine-Westphalia, Scholz was initially heavily booked. However, the chancellor simply tried to smile away at the loud heckling. He then commented on the dispute over the Growth Opportunities Act.

Contrary to what had been planned, the cabinet did not pass the so-called Growth Opportunities Act by Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) on Wednesday – a legislative package with tax policy measures intended to relieve the economy by around 6.5 billion euros a year. The reason: Family Minister Lisa Paus (Greens) blocked the project in order to get more money for basic child security. It is intended to enable families to access state benefits more easily.

The original of this post “Before speech at Entrepreneur Day, Scholz is violently booed” comes from glomex.


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