In the middle of the night: security man (28) stabbed at the fair – two men arrested

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On the night of Saturday, a 28-year-old security man was stabbed at a fair in Wittlich near Trier and died a little later. Now the police are reporting the first two arrests.

A 28-year-old was killed in an argument at a fair in Wittlich, Rhineland-Palatinate. He suffered a fatal stab wound on Saturday night, according to the police in Trier.

According to information from FOCUS online, the deceased is said to be an employee of the security service. He is said to have been employed by the company Integra. The act is said to have happened in the festival area of ​​the Säubrenner fair, which has been running since Friday.

On Saturday evening, the police then announced two arrests: “As part of the immediate and intensive investigations by the criminal police under the direction of the Trier public prosecutor’s office, two suspects aged 25 and 26 were provisionally arrested this afternoon and evening,” said the investigators . According to the current status, the suspects are the two men described in the first report. The investigations continue.

Witnesses wanted – 28-year-old dies on fairgrounds from stab wounds

Shortly after the crime, a group of two men and two women had left the downtown crime scene. One of the men had a bleeding injury in the face, possibly on the forehead, it said.

The criminal police took over the investigation and was looking for witnesses. According to the spokesman, the officials assumed that at the time of the crime there were still people celebrating and they may have made observations.

The incident overshadowed the traditional Säubrenner fair in Wittlich, which also attracts national visitors – the police had expected up to 100,000 people by the end of the folk festival next Monday. Not only the fair mourns on Saturday, but the whole of Trier. At the Eintracht Trier football game there was a minute’s silence for the dead man, who regularly worked there for his company.

According to information from investigators, the crime is said to have been an “individual act” that should not pose a threat to the public.

“Investigations are in full swing” – the police are still looking for witnesses

The incident overshadowed the traditional Säubrenner fair in Wittlich, which also attracts national visitors – by the end of the folk festival next Monday, the police had expected up to 100,000 people.

“I am horrified and terribly sad that a young man died in such a brutal way at the Säubrenner fair, where many people come together to celebrate peacefully,” said Mayor Joachim Rodenkirch, according to the announcement. The city decided with a heavy heart “to let the fair continue despite the tragedy”. The decision was not easy. The celebrations would now be accompanied by a “thoughtful, subdued atmosphere”.

According to the city, the parade planned for Saturday could not be held because of the investigations, and several streets were temporarily inaccessible and the fair program was initially canceled in parts of the city.

The criminal police have started the investigation and are asking witnesses who can provide relevant information, particularly about the group of people described, to contact the Trier criminal investigation department on 0651/9779-2290.



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