AAuthorities indicated that six people died in the central region of Mindanao and one in Davao Occidental, and indicated that the damage is still being assessed, so the death toll could increase.

Images and videos posted on social media show scenes of panic inside a shopping center in Davao City during the earthquake, with glass breaking and objects falling from the ceiling, as people seek shelter.

The US Geological Survey, which monitors seismic activity around the world, located the hypocenter of this earthquake at a depth of 77 kilometers and the epicenter at around 26.7 kilometers south of the city of Burias, where around four thousand people live. people.

The Philippines is located in the so-called “ring of fire” of the Pacific, an area of ​​great seismic and volcanic activity, where around seven thousand earthquakes are recorded every year, most of which are moderate.

Read Also: Magnitude 6.9 earthquake felt in the Philippines

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2443710/sete-mortos-em-sismo-nas-filipinas-e-numero-pode-aumentar

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