O Slovak Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok admitted this Sunday that the suspect of having attempted to assassinate the country’s Prime Minister, Robert Fico, may not have acted alone.

According to the minister, quoted by the local press, an investigation team was created to determine whether or not the writer Juraj Cintula, 71, acted as a “lone wolf”.

“There is also a version that the perpetrator of the crime was part of a certain group of people who may have encouraged and supported each other in this crime”these.

The Slovak Prime Minister, remember, was seriously injured after being shot after a Government meeting at the House of Culture, in the city of Handlova, on Wednesday.

This Sunday, four days after the attack on the head of government, the deputy prime minister of Slovakia, Robert Kalinak, said that I’m out of dangerbut still requires intensive care.

“There is no longer any immediate danger to his life, but his condition remains serious”Kalinak told local media outlets.

On Saturday, the court in Pezinok, a small town on the outskirts of the capital, Bratislava, ordered the suspect’s preventive detention. The suspect was charged with attempted premeditated murder and could face a sentence of between 25 years and life in prison.

Fico, who has held the post of prime minister since his centrist party, Smer-SD, won legislative elections last autumn, has long been a controversial figure in Slovakia and beyond.

His return to power last year, on a pro-Russian and anti-American platform, led members of the European Union and NATO to worry about the possibility of him abandoning the country’s pro-Western path, especially in relation to Ukraine.

This assassination attempt deeply shocked Slovakia, a country of 5.4 million inhabitants, a member of the European Union and NATO, which has been sharply divided politically for years.

Read Also: “Decent and polite”. Friend talks about suspect of trying to kill Fico

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2564025/eslovaquia-suspeito-de-tentar-matar-fico-podera-nao-ter-agido-sozinho

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