How about these delicious biscuits for tea or afternoon coffee? Very easy to make; try it and be sure to see recipe tips.


  • 5 cups wheat flour (tea)
  • 300 grams of margarine
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • 1 and 1/2 cup (tea) of sugar
  • 300 grams of dulce de leche
  • 1/2 cup icing sugar (optional)

Preparation mode

  1. In a bowl, mix the wheat flour, margarine, eggs, yeast and sugar.
  2. Work the dough until smooth and homogeneous.
  3. Roll out the dough on a floured surface until it is 8 millimeters thick.
  4. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C.
  5. With the aid of a cutter, make circles of 7 centimeters in diameter.
  6. Place them on a baking sheet and bake for approximately 30 minutes or until lightly browned.
  7. Remove and let cool.
  8. Distribute the dulce de leche in half of the circles and cover with the remaining circles.
  9. If you prefer, smooth the edge with a knife, removing the excess.

Mother’s Tips

Confectioner’s sugar is optional to sprinkle or not the cookies after they are ready.

Yield approximately 20 units.

You can vary the filling using another sweet of your choice. How about soft point brigadier?

See also stuffed carolina


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