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When it’s time for the aperitif, we often use spreads and other dips to delight our guests. Humus, guacamole, eggplant caviar, there is no shortage of ideas. But our favorite spread remains the tzatziki! This Greek specialty with cucumber and cream is perfect to accompany raw vegetables, but can also be used in a sandwich, a tortilla or even to sublimate a lamb skewer.

In the program “We are going to taste” on France Inter, chef Dina Nikolaou, of Greek origin, revealed her secret to preparing tzatziki and making it even fresher. The chef had recently shared with us her secrets for cooking octopus to perfection.

If in the traditional recipe, we use dill to add flavor, in her version, the chef replaces it with… mint ! Known for bringing freshness, this aromatic herb goes wonderfully with cucumbers and cream and brings a powerful aromatic touch. Discover the list of ingredients and the recipe steps to prepare a tzatziki like a chef!

For a tzatziki that changes, the chef of the catering restaurant Evi Evane Bistrot in Paris, therefore chooses to swap dill for mint leaves. Here’s how to reproduce it at home.

For 4 people, you will need:

  • 1 medium-sized cucumber, preferably organic, with its skin
  • 300 g white yogurt (or cow’s or sheep’s milk)
  • 3 to 4 finely grated garlic cloves
  • 100 ml d’huile d’olive
  • A bunch of finely chopped fresh mint
  • 3 tablespoons of white wine vinegar
  • salt and freshly ground pepper


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