A 17-year-old fencer from the Uzbekistan national team was sexually assaulted in August 2023 by three young men during a rally in Chianciano Terme, Siena (northern Italy), attended by more international teams.

The Siena Prosecutor’s Office is investigating the event that allegedly occurred on the night of August 4 to 5 during the aforementioned international concentration. The authorities have identified the three young people, one of them also a minor, who participated in the group abuse, as reported this Sunday The Messengerwhich revealed news.

The information was quickly confirmed by the statements of the young woman’s lawyer and the position of the Italian Fencing Federation (FIS), which claimed to be working on the case despite the accusations of “passivity” made by the lawyer on the part of the authoritiesalso including the Siena Prosecutor’s Office.

“There is passivity on the part of the Prosecutor’s Office, which has not even activated the red code, and of the FIS, which has not taken any measure against the athletes under investigation,” said Italian Luciano Guidarelli in statements reported by local media.

When the girl realized what she had been subjected to, she informed her roommate and her mother, who immediately arrived in Italy.the Fencing Federation was immediately informed, but We have never had a response either of measures against the athletes involved or of solidarity with the victim.“he added.

According to the victim’s advocate, The young Uzbek woman met the attackers again on several occasions because they have not yet been suspended.

“The fact that the suspects were not sanctioned or suspended from their competitive activities made it possible for the young woman to meet them again during competitions and other gatherings with the consequent traumas,” he explained.

The FIS, for its part, issued a statement defending itself against Guidarelli’s accusations.

“The FIS has promptly, and on several occasions, held direct conversations with the investigating Magistrate, in order to know the situation and the evolution of the investigative activity, respecting the confidentiality of investigation that characterizes the procedural phase still in progress,” began the official writing.

“The Federation – contrary to what has been reported – responded in detail to the complainant’s lawyer, also presenting the Federation’s disposition as a civil party in the event of a sentence, if it were ordered by the ordinary justice system,” the organization added, making it clear which will form part of the accusation against the aggressors when the ordinary justice system passes sentence.

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/adolescente-fue-abusada-en-italia-por-tres-deportistas-y-7-meses-despues-no-hay-capturas-cb20

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