In Venezuela there are just over two weeks left before the deadline established by the CNE to register candidates for the presidential elections ends. The Undersecretary of the State Department for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Brian Nichols, acknowledged that The incentives were not enough for Nicolás Maduro to accept competitive elections and that new actions are being studied.

In Venezuela the streets are heating up in the presidential race. A river of people received María Corina Machado in Barinas, where she assured that she will continue until the end despite her disqualification.
“Here is a substitute, you know who? The one who is going to replace Nicolás Maduro, which is me. But it turns out that Maduro is dripping,” said the opposition leader.

Maduro, for his part, is preparing signatures from the population to support his candidacy and denies the possibility of an opposition victory. The president assures that, “in addition to being inept, they are not prepared to take the reins of this country.”

In the midst of this polarized scenario, The United States warns that Maduro has not complied with the Barbados Agreement and assures that there is a lack of incentives that force it.

“Deadlines are tight and we do not want to prejudge how things will turn out, but the direction of events is deeply concerning and we look forward to working with democratic actors in Venezuela and our partners across the region to determine how we respond to a country that does not respect the rules.” democratic,” said Brian Nichols.

Meanwhile, Maduro faces the electoral campaign with a level of improvement in the economy, as reported by the Venezuelan Finance Observatory. In line with this, the economist José Guerra points out that “there was a deflation of 0.5% during the month. However, in annual terms, inflation stands at 85%.”.

However, the Maduro regime still has a large social debt, since Venezuela continues to have the lowest monthly salary in Latin America, which is less than $5 per month.


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