“EI express my closeness to all women, especially those whose dignity is not respected. There is still much to be done to recognize the equal dignity of women,” said Francis, at the window of his private office in the Apostolic Palace.

The Pope also denounced the situation in Haiti and expressed his closeness to the “dear Haitian people, who have suffered so much for years.” And he called for an end to “all violence and for everyone to make their contribution to the growth of peace and reconciliation in the country, with the support of international institutions.”

He also asked for prayers for “tormented Ukraine” and called for an end to “hostilities that cause immense suffering among the civilian population.”

The director of the Vatican Press Office, Matteo Bruni, confirmed that the Pope’s position in relation to Ukraine is to defend a “diplomatic solution” to the conflict.

“The Pope takes up the image of the white flag proposed by the interviewer, to indicate the end of hostilities, the truce achieved with the courage of negotiation. His desire is a diplomatic solution for a just and lasting peace”, said Matteo Bruni.

The statements come after Francis – in an interview recorded last month with the Swiss broadcaster RSI – urged Volodymyr Zelenski’s government to have the courage to raise the “white flag” and negotiate an end to the war.

“It is stronger that he sees the situation, that he thinks about the people, that he has the courage of the white flag, that he negotiates. Today it is possible to negotiate with the help of international powers. The word ‘negotiate’ is courageous”, he declared in the interview, which will be broadcast on March 20th, but which some Italian media have already anticipated.

Read Also: Pope Francis with “concerns” about violence in recent days in Haiti

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2518516/ainda-ha-muito-a-fazer-para-reconhecer-a-igual-dignidade-das-mulheres

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