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The puree is one of the Proust madeleines of our childhood. If the recipe seems simple at first glance, there are a few tips to know to go from a “good puree” to an “incredible puree”. Precisely to become an expert on the subject, chef Yves Camdeborde revealed in the Europe 1 chronicle “The Table of Good Living” its secrets and its recipe that is sure to please young and old alike.

For 4 people, you will need:

  • 1 kg of potatoes
  • 40 cl of milk
  • 200 gr of butter
  • Sell ​​fin

As for utensils, you will need:

  • 1 knife
  • 1 salad bowl
  • 1 stainless steel saucepan
  • 1 stainless steel stewpot
  • 1 potato masher


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