With its crunchy texture and laminated appearance, homemade puff pastry is preferred over industrialized dough full of additives.


  • 2 cups butter at room temperature
  • 3 cups (tea) of wheat flour
  • 1 teaspoon of salt

Preparation Mode 1st Phase

  1. In a large bowl, sift the flour and make a well in the center.
  2. Add the salt, 1 tablespoon of butter and gradually add 1 cup of cold water.
  3. Mix with your fingertips and work the dough until it develops all its elasticity, thus obtaining a soft dough.
  4. Make a ball, cover with a napkin and leave to rest for 20 minutes, in the lower part of the refrigerator.

Preparation Mode 2nd Phase

  1. On a floured table, roll out the dough into a rectangle approximately 1 cm thick.
  2. Place the remaining butter in the center, which should be the same consistency as the dough.
  3. Fold the edges of the dough over, covering the butter completely.
  4. Lightly roll the rolling pin to better firm the dough over the butter.
  5. Cover and return to the refrigerator for another 20 minutes.
  6. Roll out the dough into a rectangle again, now 3 cm thick.
  7. Fold it in thirds and open it again into a rectangle.
  8. Repeat this operation two more times.

Mom Tips

The preparation of homemade puff pastry comprises two steps: mixing the ingredients and stretching the dough, and puffing.

Preferably make the dough the day before or let it rest for 20 minutes in the fridge before using it.

Cut the dough from top to bottom, without “pulling” it with the knife.

You don’t need to grease the pan to bake puff pastry: just moisten it slightly with water.

Use puff pastry for sweet or savory preparations.

Approximate yield of 700 grams of dough.

Source: https://www.receitasdemae.com.br/receitas/massa-folhada-caseira-tradicional/

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