six people diedtwo of them, agents of the Spanish Civil Guard, and three others were seriously injured this Tuesday, March 19, 2024, When a truck ran over an anti-drug traffic checkpoint that the armed institute had installed on the highway between Cádiz and Sevillesouth of Spain.

The accident, whose causes, according to the Civil Guard’s first hypotheses, are accidental, occurred at dawn, when an articulated truck collided with several vehicles at a police checkpoint.

Apparently, the truck driver, upon receiving signals from the agents, maneuvered suddenly, swerving toward the shoulder and running over the first three Police vehicles and other cars that were inside the device.

The driver, a 59-year-old Spaniard with no criminal record who was unharmed as was his 36-year-old passenger, He tested negative for alcohol and drugs and was arrested. for six alleged crimes of reckless homicide and three of serious injuries due to recklessness.

A few hours later, the court on duty ordered the driver of the truck transporting fruits and vegetables to be placed in provisional prison, with notice and without bail.

The other four deceased were between 53 and 20 years old and were inside three private cars stopped at the checkpoint, according to what the Civil Guard informed journalists at the scene.

In addition, there are five injured, three of them in serious condition, who are civil guards.

Both sources from the Civil Guard and the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) rule out, for the moment, that the accident was intentional.

Rather, they consider distraction or drowsiness of the driver as a possible cause, but it will be the investigation carried out by the Traffic Subsector with the Accident Reconstruction Team that will clarify what happened.

The two deceased civil guards are Eneko Lira Gomez, 36, and Juan Jesus Lopez Alvarez,

The civil guard associations regretted the accident and took the opportunity to point out that the death of the two agents once again confirms the need for their work to be declared a risky profession.


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