O Pope Francis stated that Ukraine must have the “courage of the white flag” and negotiate with Russia, using, for the first time, the term “defeated” when talking about the invasion, Reuters reports.

This position was conveyed in an interview, recorded last month, with the Swiss broadcaster RSI, and which will air on March 20th.

According to Reuters, which had access this Saturday to a partial video of this interview, the supreme pontiff was questioned about his position regarding the debate between those who argue that Ukraine should give up and those who say that this action would legitimize the actions from Russia, with the interviewer using the term “white flag” in the question.

“It’s an interpretation, that’s true”, Francisco began by saying, quoted by the news agency. “But I think that the strongest is the one who looks at the situation, thinks about people and has the courage of the white flag, and negotiates”he said, adding that talks must take place with the help of international powers.

“The word negotiate is a courageous word. When you see that you are being defeated, that things are not going well, you need to have the courage to negotiate”, he also stressed.

Despite having already spoken about negotiations, this was the first time that the Pope used terms such as “white flag” or “defeated” when discussing the war in Ukraine.

This interview took place before, this Friday, Turkey offered to host a peace summit between Russia and Ukraine, after having received its Ukrainian counterpart in Istanbul.

It should be noted that, despite the difficulties on the ground, Kyiv has refused negotiations with Russia, citing a lack of credibility among Moscow’s interlocutors and insisting that it will never make territorial concessions.

Read Also: Zelensky trusts in Turkey’s ability to mediate conflict with Russia

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2518216/ucrania-deve-ter-coragem-da-bandeira-branca-e-negociar-diz-papa

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