An impressive fire broke out in the middle of a wedding in Mexico, which caused the evacuation of more than 850 people who were in an exclusive hacienda located in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato.

The fire spread quickly, as the party was held under a huge tent that was consumed immediately.

According to authorities, due to the fire at the wedding 22 injuries were reported with minor burns and signs of intoxication. Five of them had to be taken to a hospital, but they are stable.

Images shared on social networks showed how people, amidst screams, fled from the flames that consumed everything.

According to the first reports, a short circuit would have been the origin of the fire.

The site where the fire was reported is a hacienda that, according to information given by the media adn40, is positioned as one of the most exclusive and popular places to hold weddings and social events.


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