O Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had a telephone call with United States President Joe Biden in which the “latest developments” in the war between Israel and Hamas were discussed. According to the White House, this was the first telephone conversation between the two allies in more than a month.

“This afternoon, I spoke with the President of the United States, Joe Biden. We discuss the latest developments in the war, including Israel’s commitment to achieving all objectives“, wrote Netanyahu on X (formerly Twitter).

In the same informative note, the Israeli Prime Minister listed these same objectives: “Eliminate Hamas, free all hostages and ensure that the Gaza Strip never again poses a threat to Israel – while providing the necessary humanitarian aid that will help achieve these goals”.

The conversation took place after the Republican opposition expressed outrage that the leader of the Democratic majority in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, had harshly criticized Netanyahu’s handling of the war, calling for new elections in Israel.

Biden said the Democratic leader had given a “good speech” that reflected the concerns of many Americans without directly endorsing Schumer’s electoral appeal.

The White House has been skeptical of Netanyahu’s plan to carry out a military operation in the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza enclave, where more than a million displaced Palestinians have fled, as Israel continues its war effort to eliminate the Islamist movement Hamas.

The conversation between Biden and Netanyahu also took place on the day the United Nations food agency issued new warnings about the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza.

On Sunday, Netanyahu lashed out at critical American positions, describing calls for a new election as “totally inappropriate.” “We are not a Banana Republic. (…) The people of Israel will choose when there should be elections and who they will elect,” said the head of the Israeli government.

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, which has ruled in the Gaza Strip since 2007, was triggered by the Islamist movement’s attack on Israeli territory on October 7.

That day, 1,139 people were killed, mostly civilians but also close to 400 soldiers, according to the latest official Israeli figures. Around 240 civilians and military personnel were kidnapped, with Israel indicating that more than 120 remain in the Gaza Strip.

In retaliation, Israel, which promised to destroy the Palestinian Islamist movement, has since been bombing the Gaza Strip, where, according to the local government led by Hamas, at least 31,700 people have been killed — mostly women, children and teenagers — and more than 70,000 injured, also mostly civilians.

UN agencies also indicate that at least 160 employees have been killed in Gaza since October 7th.

The Israeli offensive has also destroyed most of Gaza’s infrastructure and close to two million people have been forced to leave their homes, almost all of the enclave’s 2.3 million inhabitants.

The population of the Gaza Strip is also facing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis due to the collapse of hospitals, the outbreak of epidemics and shortages of drinking water, food, medicine and electricity.

Since October 7, at least 418 Palestinians have also been killed by the Israeli Army and by attacks by settlers in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, territories occupied by the Jewish State, in addition to nearly 7,000 arrests and more than 3,000 injuries.

Read Also: Biden and Netanyahu spoke for the first time in a month

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2523623/netanyahu-e-biden-discutiram-ultimos-desenvolvimentos-na-faixa-de-gaza

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