“Putin was counted out by Prigozhin’s mutiny,” explains Mangott and continues: “He has now been able to eliminate that, if he actually ordered the contract killing. He signaled: ‘I do not forgive, I do not forgive traitors and I will eliminate them .'”

Russia expert: Doubters in Putin’s circle of power are increasing after the Wagner plane crash

According to the Russia expert from the University of Innsbruck, this could lead to a strengthening of Putin. At the same time, however, there are more and more doubters in the management team. According to Mangott, they would wonder what price Russia should pay for a limited victory in Ukraine.

It is also not clear whether a victory would be achieved in Ukraine at all. According to Mangott, there are many who believe that Putin is waging the war too gently. You can find out more about the power situation in the Kremlin in the video.

Source: https://www.focus.de/politik/ausland/ukraine-krise/russlandexperte-schaetzt-lage-ein-wagner-ist-enthauptet-doch-putin-hat-die-soeldner-gefaehrlich-verstoert_id_202708587.html

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