O President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, promised, this Tuesday, retaliation against those who perpetrated and sponsored the attack on the Crocus City Hall, on the outskirts of Moscow, which caused at least 144 deaths, according to the Russian state agency TASS.

This position was shared by the Russian head of state at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Ministry of the Interior.

“It is important for us to expose both the perpetrators and all the links in this chain, including the beneficiaries of this crime,” Putin said, as cited by the Russian agency.

“We will certainly catch them,” Putin said, referring to the attack’s sponsors.

“Those who use this weapon, a weapon that is used against Russia, and this is obvious today, must understand that this is a double-edged weapon,” he further stated.

Furthermore, Putin noted that “everything can be done for money.”

“Furthermore, there are no reliable agents in this professional community and everything can be done for money, with criminals being guided only by financial considerations and not religious or political considerations”, he highlighted.

For the head of state, everything “is easily bought and sold”. “That said, we will certainly reach out to end customers”, he concluded.

It is recalled that the Russian security services (FSB) recently announced that three people arrested on Sunday in Dagestan, and accused of preparing an attack, are related to the perpetrators of the recent attack on the concert hall near Moscow.

The National Anti-Terrorism Committee (NAK) announced on Sunday the arrest of three people who planned to “commit a series of terrorist crimes”, ten days after the Crocus City Hall attack, which left at least 144 dead.

The Russian security services, who reported four arrests on Sunday, said that the foreign citizens “prepared a terrorist act in public places in Kaspiisk”, a city located near the capital of Dagestan, the unstable Russian Caucasus republic, with a majority Muslim.

The suspects were intercepted in possession of a homemade explosive device and automatic weapons, according to the FSB.

The FSB also stated that the detained people are “directly implicated in financing and providing terrorist means to the perpetrators of the terrorist act committed on March 22, 2024” at Crocus City Hall.

The attack was claimed by the ‘jihadist’ organization Islamic State (IS), but Russian authorities continue to refer to a Ukrainian lead, rejected by Kyiv.

After the terrorist attack, 12 people have been arrested, including the four suspected assailants from Tajikistan, a former Soviet republic in Central Asia where IS remains active.

Read Also: USA with no indications of “imminent war” between Russia and NATO

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2532484/iremos-apanha-los-putin-promete-punir-autores-de-ataque-em-moscovo

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