O The Smokehouse Creek fire, which began on Monday, has already claimed the lives of at least two people, left a gray landscape, with razed prairies, dead livestock and up to 500 destroyed structures, including homes in the Texas Panhandle, reports the Associated Press.

The National Weather Service in Amarillo issued a red alert for the entire Panhandle from late morning today until midnight Sunday after Thursday’s rain and snow allowed firefighters to contain some of the weather. fire.

“A combination of strong winds, low relative humidity and high temperatures will create a favorable climate for the rapid growth and spread of the fire,” says the meteorological service’s forecast.

The fire, which merged with another fire and crossed the state line into western Oklahoma, has burned more than 1,700 square miles (4,400 square kilometers) and is 15% contained, the Texas A&M Forest Service said Friday.

The cause of the fire remains under investigation, although strong winds, dry vegetation and unusually hot weather fueled the flames.

Read Also: Largest fires in the history of the State of Texas destroyed 500 structures

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2513308/tempo-dificulta-combate-ao-maior-incendio-florestal-da-historia-do-texas

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