In recent years, an intriguing and worrying phenomenon has been observed in the night sky: the disappearance of stars. This event has captured the attention of scientists and researchers, who are looking for answers to this cosmic enigma.

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Approximately 800 stars have reportedly disappeared from the sky over the years. Despite numerous studies, astronomers and experts have not yet found a definitive explanation for this phenomenon. Uncertainty persists and continues to motivate new research.

A recent study, published in the journal Physical Review Letterssuggests a possible connection between the disappearance of stars and black holes. This research, carried out by astrophysicists at the University of Copenhagen in Denmarkproposes that the intense gravitational pull of black holes could cause a complete collapse of stars rather than an explosion.

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The expert Alejandro Vigna-Gómez explains that if a star suffers a complete collapse, it could appear to go out and disappear from the sky without a trace.

“If one were to stare at a visible star undergoing a total collapse, it could be like watching a star suddenly go out and disappear from the heavens… The collapse is so complete that no explosion occursnothing escapes and no bright supernova would be seen in the night sky,” said Vigna-Gómez.

The astrophysicists focused part of their study on the binary star system VFTS 243, located at the edge of the Milky Way. In this region, they discovered the presence of a large black hole and a star orbiting each other. This finding supports the hypothesis that black holes could be involved in the disappearance of stars, by causing their collapse without visible explosions.


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