In recent years, residents of northern Japan have witnessed a disturbing phenomenon: a significant increase in bear sightings in urban areas. This situation has not only caused alarm among the population, but also has led authorities to implement emergency measures to protect both humans and animals. But what is causing this invasion of cities?
One of the main factors that is leading bears to venture into urban areas is the scarcity of food in their natural habitat.. Climate change has altered flowering and pollination patterns, which has reduced the availability of fruits and insects, the main food sources for these animals. Additionally, declining human population in rural areas has left large tracts of land uncultivated, which also contributes to a lack of food for bears.
Another important factor is the increase in the bear population. In recent years, conservation policies have led to an increase in the number of these animals in Japan. However, This growth has not been accompanied by an expansion of its natural habitat, which has led to greater competition for available resources. As a result, they are forced to look for new food sources in urban areas, where they find garbage and food scraps easily accessible.
(Read also: Bear attacked his handler while he was being released: both survived and the moment was captured on video)
Factors that drive bears towards cities
Climate change has had a significant impact on the ecosystem of northern Japan. Alterations in weather patterns have affected the availability of natural food for bears. Fruits and insects, which constitute an important part of their diet, They have become scarce due to seasonal variations and the decline in forested areas.
Food shortages force bears to venture into urban areas in search of sustenance. The migration of the rural population to the cities has left large areas of land uncultivated. These areas, which previously provided food and shelter for bears, are now deserted.
The lack of human activity in these regions has reduced the availability of food for bears, pushing them to look for food in cities, where they find garbage and food scraps easily accessible.
Bear hibernation in Japan
Bears in Japan generally hibernate from late November until springaccording to Hiromi Taguchi, a bear expert at Tohoku Art Design University, who explained to the media METEORED. During this period, They enter a state of torpor to conserve energy and protect themselves from the adverse conditions of winter. However, Food shortages have led some to delay hibernation or even remain active during the winter in search of food.
Delayed or interrupted hibernation can have serious consequences for both bears and humans. Those that do not hibernate properly may suffer from malnutrition and weakness, which increases their aggressiveness and the likelihood of dangerous encounters with people. Additionally, the presence of active bears during the winter represents a constant risk to local communities, which must take additional measures to protect themselves.
Bear attack in Akita
Last Saturday, November 30, An Asian black bear entered a supermarket in the city of Akita, northeastern Japan, and attacked an employee. The worker, between 40 and 50 years old, suffered injuries to his forehead and ears, although his life is not in danger.

The situation of bears in Japan is becoming increasingly worrying, with 6 human deaths due to attacks and 9,000 animals killed in the previous fiscal year, according to the media DW. In this way, Japanese authorities have asked the population to be alert this fall, before the bears begin to hibernate. In addition, have implemented digital surveillance systems to locate bears that go into areas inhabited by humans.
(Read also: Bear attacked a woman in a hotel restaurant: he slapped her and it was caught on video)
Measures of the authorities and the response of the community
Implementation of surveillance systems
Faced with an increase in bear sightings and attacks, Japanese authorities have implemented digital surveillance systems to locate bears that enter human-inhabited areas. These systems allow authorities to monitor bear movements and take preventive measures to avoid dangerous encounters with residents.
Awareness campaigns
Authorities have also launched awareness campaigns to educate the population on how to act in the event of an encounter with a bear. These campaigns include recommendations on how to secure trash and avoid leaving food outdoors, which can attract bears to urban areas.
Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/por-que-hay-osos-buscando-comida-en-calles-de-japon-esto-dicen-expertos-so35