June 6, 1944 was designated D-Day by the Allies, a date when they sent ships, planes and troops to Normandy, in western France, in an offensive to turn back the Nazi tide that was sweeping Europe during World War II.

Almost 160,000 Allied troops landed on the beaches of Normandy that day. Of them, 73,000 were Americans. One of them was Dick Rung of Illinois, who He joined the navy when he was only 18 years old.

“We got a call from the beach. We were still in the water and the message was: ‘They are slaughtering us like pigs.’ There were bodies floating in the water,'” the veteran said.

Obama Beach was the scene of the first and deadliest wave of landings. For most of the young people sent to Europe, this was their first glimpse of France. For 2,400 of them, it was also the last, as they were killed by German weapons.

Why was D-Day so decisive for World War II?

The international analyst of Noticias Caracol, María Teresa Aya, explained the importance of this date, which It marked victory for the allies and demonstrated the massive collaboration of Canadians, Americans and English.

“They collaborated to achieve success on that day of landing, thus laying the seeds of what is the great defense collaboration project that finally became NATO. At that moment they said ‘here we are all going to unite for freedom in Europe,’” the specialist concluded.

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/por-que-el-dia-d-fue-decisivo-para-el-transcurso-de-la-segunda-guerra-mundial-so35

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