Melody Feliciano, a woman who she tried to poison her husband by putting chlorine in his coffeewas sentenced to three years of probation.
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In a hearing, the citizen pleaded guilty to two counts of food or drink poisoning.
The woman who tried to poison her husband will have to avoid any contact with the victim, and will also have to undergo a mental health evaluation.
How did they discover it?
The events date back to August 2023. At that time, Melody Feliciano was discovered by her then husband, Roby Johnson. The man set off the alarms after noticing a strange taste in her coffee, for this reason installed security cameras in the house to capture any abnormalities.
It was then that the subject discovered his wife pouring a substance into the family coffee maker. To find out what it was, Johnson bought pool test strips and put them in his drink, discovering that these showed high levels of chlorine.
After collecting enough evidence to incriminate his wife, the man reported the incident to the authorities.
At the time of the episode, the couple was going through a divorce process. Currently, they are divorced.
NEW: Arizona woman sentenced after her husband caught her trying to poison him by putting bleach in his coffee.
Roby Johnson started noticing that his coffee tasted off starting in March of 2023.
Johnson decided to purchase pool chemical testing strips and discovered there was… pic.twitter.com/YWjudXjM6B
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) May 13, 2024
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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/condenan-a-mujer-que-trato-de-envenenar-a-su-esposo-poniendole-cloro-en-el-cafe-rg10