In the province of Neuquén, Argentina, a 24 year old young man He was beaten to death in the middle of a birthday party, according to media reports from that country. The events occurred during the night of last Saturday, March 9, 2024.

Information from the media Todo Noticias indicates that the evening was going on normally until one of the guests arrived with a knife at the celebrationan aspect that generated discomfort among those present and sparked a discussion.

The authorities were alerted to what happened and arrived at the area. At the site they found the 24-year-old young man lying on the ground with a forceful blow to the head. Although the victim was taken to a hospital, he died due to the severity of his injuries.

“When consulting the witnesses, they indicated that in the middle of the party a man hit him on the head with a stick“, detailed Todo Noticias.

The alleged aggressor was arrested and placed at the disposal of the judicial authorities. Security camera recordings were key to achieving the arrest.

At the moment, it is not ruled out that there were more people involved in the incident or that the attack was in legitimate defense.


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