Through an audio published on social media, the opposition leader Maria Corina Machado He addressed the voters, highlighting the work that has been done in recent months in support of the “fight to liberate Venezuela”The anti-Chavez spokesperson invited the people not to give in to Edmundo González’s assumption of office as president.

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In just over 6 minutes, María Corina Machado spoke about the union that led the Venezuelan people to unite during the electoral contests of July 28 to overthrow the regime imposed by Nicolás Maduro In Venezuela.

The statement by María Corina Machado comes just after it was learned that the Venezuelan Prosecutor’s Office opened a criminal investigation against her and the presidential candidate of the majority opposition, Edmundo González Urrutia, for alleged “incitement to insurrection.”

“It is very important to remember that our struggle to liberate Venezuela has several stages, and that we have been successfully completing them, one by one. We went from despair to a formidable citizen organization. From a world that did not believe in us, to one that admired and recognized our victory.“, said Maria Corina Machado.

He also highlighted the work of the platform 600Kan initiative that aimed to have citizens themselves, on a voluntary basis, monitor the voting in order to try to guarantee the transparency of the process and “enforce popular sovereignty.”

The words of Maria Corina Machado for the Venezuelan people

The Caracas native said that the opposition’s “great electoral victory” is based on evidence that can be verified by anyone.

From there a truth has emerged that no one can change: Edmundo González Urrutia is the president-elect of Venezuela.“, commented María Corina Machado, who asserted that what follows in the process is to enforce the unstoppable will of the people.

She explained that this process, which, according to her, is in its fifth stage, is possible thanks to all those who have believed in this movement. She said that, for what is to come, From the streets and in private, it takes perseverance, confidence, overcoming obstacles and not being afraid of intimidation.

Nobody said this would be easy, but let the world be very clear: there is no turning back, this is irreversible and it is until the end. No one can abandon the fight, we are all necessary,” he emphasized.

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