When I came across the chocolate bread recipe, my first thought was: is it tasty, does experiment? Good thing I tried because the pasta has excellent consistency, the bread is super soft and is very tasty. Recommended!
- 7 cups of wheat flour
- 1 cup chocolate powder
- 2 cups of warm water
- 1 can of condensed milk
- 2 tablespoons butter
- 2 exasperated
- 45 grams of fresh biological yeast
Preparation mode
- Prepare 3 bread-own shapes (or a large baking dish), grease and flour them with a mixture of chocolate-powered wheat flour.
- Preheat the oven at 180 ° C.
- In a blender, beat water, yeast, egg yolks, condensed milk, chocolate and butter.
- Place the mixture in a large bowl or bowl.
- Add the wheat flour gradually, mixing well with each addition.
- Drink the dough until it goes away from your hands.
- If necessary add some more wheat flour. See mother tips below the recipe.
- Cover and let it grow until doubled in volume.
Put the dough into a floured surface, knead again and cut the dough into three parts.
- Model the bread and place in the shapes suitable for bread or in the large baking dish.
- Cover and let it grow again until doubled in volume.
- After this time, take to bake for about 35 minutes or until baking and brown.
Mother Tips
3 bread yield.
See also here on the website: Homemade Bread
The amount of wheat flour is approximate. The important thing is that, as soon as the mass goes out of hand, stop adding wheat flour.
Wheat flour mixed with chocolate powder is a subterfuge so that when unmolding the bread, they are not stained in white if the shapes were only sprinkled with flour. Cover the breads with a dish cloth while cooling.
To help the dough grow on a cold day, heat the flour in a bowl in the low oven (110ºC). Or leave it for 10 seconds or more in the microwave, at maximum power.
Source: https://www.receitasdemae.com.br/receitas/pao-de-chocolate/