O The head of the UN climate agency, Simon Stiell, said this Wednesday that humanity has just two years to “save the world”, but will have to make dramatic changes in the way it emits greenhouse gases. and act to obtain the necessary financial resources.

“We still have the opportunity to bring down greenhouse gas emissions with a new generation of climate plans. But we need these stronger plans now,” said Stiell, in a speech at the Chatham House think tank in London, England, quoted by the Associated Press.

According to Stiell, although the warning to set a 2025 deadline for more and stronger plans – which is made to governments around the world – may seem melodramatic, when compared to crucial meetings on global finance held in Washington, the United States. United States, or the presidential elections, the head of the UN climate agency highlights that climate action in the next two years is “essential”.

Who exactly has two years to save the world? The answer is every person on this planet. More and more people want climate action across all societies and political spectrums, largely because they are feeling the impacts of the climate crisis on their daily lives and their family budgets,” he said.

In Stiell’s view, droughts that destroy crops have increased the need for bolder measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help farmers adapt, which could increase food security and reduce hunger. “Reducing fossil fuel pollution will mean better health and huge savings for both governments and families,” he concluded.

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2538031/acao-climatica-humanidade-tem-dois-anos-para-salvar-o-mundo-diz-onu

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