A warning sounds: “Caution! We have an emergency. If we don’t do anything now, if we just continue to study, remain impotent, then we will race unchecked into the climate catastrophe. We must now stand up as a population and protest.”

After the alarm sounds, however, no one seems to be particularly interested in the activists. Her listeners turn away, almost bored. At least one of them takes off his headphones. But this time they didn’t get more attention for their action.

Last-generation climate activists are no strangers

The warning is followed by an invitation: “Come to the Stadtgarten at 7 p.m. tomorrow for a lecture by the ‘Last Generation’. Luna will give the lecture. You can get to know people of the last generation there. We look forward to seeing you.”

Climate activist Joel Schmitt can be seen in the video. He shared the video on the short message platform X, formerly Twitter. He writes: “For a year I’ve been in the resistance full-time with the #LastGeneration. Today I was in the university library again. But I did something useful.”

The 23-year-old is no stranger. He was already in the Munich prison for 30 days for an adhesive campaign and held a press conference for the “last generation”. The student does not want to give up his resistance so easily.

Source: https://www.focus.de/panorama/welt/in-uni-bibliothek-klima-kleber-loest-alarm-aus-als-er-spricht-wird-es-peinlich_id_202070733.html

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