Nthe Report on Ecological Threats-2023, from the Institute for Economy and Peace (IEP), released today, analyzes the relationship between the effects of climate change and uncontrolled population growth, food insecurity and its relationship with outbreak of conflicts.

“The climate crisis and violence are strongly linked”, said Serge Stroobants, director of the IEP for Europe and the Middle East, responsible for the report, warning that the current escalation of global war “creates greater global insecurity”.

Of the 221 countries analyzed in the study, 66 face at least one serious ecological threat, unevenly distributed across the world, the majority of which are in sub-Saharan Africa.

The four countries most at risk of the climate crisis are Ethiopia, Niger, Somalia and South Sudan.

“Climate change is driving conflict in places like the Horn of Africa,” said Nazanine Moshiri, Climate and Conflict Analyst at the International Crisis Group, who said that “competition over natural resources causes disputes” and “leads young people to quit their jobs and join the militias.”

The inability of many countries to cope with natural disasters has led to an increased need for financing for disaster relief, with the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) allocating 35% of its budget to relief. to catastrophes in 2022, compared to 17% a decade ago.

The report also warns of increasing population pressure, with rapid population growth compromising access to basic resources and resilience to natural disasters, especially in areas that are already at risk and have low levels of peace.

“More than 40% of the world’s land area is expected to experience population growth of more than 20% by 2050, half of which will be in countries with very low levels of peace”, the report warns.

“Without concerted international action, current levels of ecological degradation will substantially worsen, intensifying social problems such as malnutrition and forced migration,” said Stroobants.

Read Also: Africa’s growth accelerates to 3.5% this year and 4.2% in 2025

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2513750/crise-climatica-vai-piorar-conflitos-sobretudo-em-africa-diz-relatorio

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