Orlando Payán, a 59-year-old Colombian known for his work as a football coach in Montebello, a district of Cali, died after jumping from a bridge on the Júcar River dam in Valencia, Spain. The accident occurred while Payán was enjoying a walk with his family at the entrance to Cortes de Pallás.

In a moment of enthusiasm during a walk, Payán decided to jump from the bridge into the river without considering the height or the danger and that is when his death occurred.

“He asked a child to record the moment and everything was recorded on video from the moment he jumped in until he fell into the water. When the child realized that Orlando had not come out, he alerted the family.” Janeth Payán, sister of the deceased, said in an interview with Caracol Radio.

The search for Payán’s body lasted six days, with the participation of public safety patrols, a fire helicopter and forestry brigades.

Finally, a robot from the special underwater activities group GEAS of the Civil Guard The body was found at a depth of 47 metres, and was later recovered by divers.

Two relatives in Spain are handling all the paperwork for repatriation. However, the costs are high.”said Payán’s sister, who now faces the challenge of repatriating his body to Colombia, since they do not have the necessary resources.

“We are looking for help from the authorities for the process or from good-hearted people, you can contact 3217139790,” he concluded.

Although Payán had Spanish nationality and did not leave behind any children, his mother and family want to give him a farewell on Colombian soil.

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/colombiano-murio-en-espana-tras-saltar-a-un-rio-en-medio-de-un-paseo-rg10

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