The events took place in the town of Trairi, 124 km from Fortaleza, Brazil, where Security cameras captured the scene of an 8-year-old boy, with only a backpack and a bag in his hand, being left in a roundabout.

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According to local media, his parents wanted to abandon him. The first time they left the minor in front of a technical school and without any precautions. This attempt was thwarted by the quick intervention of a security guard, who witnessed the scene and forced them to return for the child.

Later, the couple was seen leaving the child in a roundabout with only a bag and a backpack in his hands, waiting for his parents. Fortunately, this time the neighbors intervened, who recorded what happened with their cell phones and alerted the authorities.

What did the authorities say?

The investigative work carried out by Medio TN, found that The Ministry of Public Security identified the two suspects involved in the attempted abandonment of the minor and the Guardianship Council visited the child’s home, ensuring that he is under the care and responsibility of his mother.

Year, More than 164,000 children are physically or psychologically abandoned in Brazil, according to a survey carried out by the National Association of Registrars of Natural Persons (Arpen) in 2022; In July 2023, this figure exceeded 106,000. These situations, according to experts, can cause irreparable damage to the physical and mental health of children and adolescents.

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