A 76-year-old Canadian man found a rat in the toilet and, when trying to remove it, The animal bit two of his fingers, so he had to go to the emergency room at a hospital.

The event happened in Montreal, Canada, and was reported by the local media Canadian Medical Association Journal on January 22, 2024. However, recently the case went viral.
The individual battling the rodent went to the emergency room after the rat found in the toilet bit off two of his fingers. He received basic medical care, his bite wound was treated, he was vaccinated with a tetanus booster and was discharged.

But some time later, presented fever, headache and abdominal pain for 3 days, So he went to a healthcare center again.

The wound caused by the rat was healing well and he had not had contact with any other animal, had not traveled and had not been exposed to any other illness. However, Due to the symptoms, blood and urine tests were performed and it was discovered that the man had leptospirosis.a bacterial disease that is transmitted through the urine of infected animals and is usually found in the mouths of rodents.

Although this condition can be life-threatening, the man was transferred to an intensive care unit (ICU), received medications and the care necessary to save your life.

After 3 days in the ICU they released him and continued with an antibiotic treatment for a couple more days.

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/adulto-mayor-acabo-en-el-hospital-tras-ser-mordido-por-una-rata-que-aparecio-en-el-inodoro-rg10

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