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It’s not always easy to know what to cook with leftovers lying around in the fridge. When it comes to potatoes, nutritionist Nathalie Majcher aka @drbonnebouffe has found the solution! An express, tasty and healthy Scandinavian salad that will make even the most gourmet among us green with envy. The expert also provides an important clarification, she emphasizes “that cold potatoes are more interesting from a glycemic index point of view”. A good point too! And if you are looking for other ideas, here are our 10 best salad recipes with potatoes.

Not all potatoes are ideal for preparing a salad. In this article, you will find our advice for making the right choice. Apart from salad, for a mash, we recommend the Bintje, a potato from the Netherlands with floury flesh. For gratins, turn instead to the Amandine or the Chérie. Finally, for the famous fries, prefer the Manon, the Agria or the Marabel.

Contrary to what one might think, the potato is not a very caloric food. Depending on the variety, it has about 80 kcal per 100 g. What makes it caloric is the way it is cooked. Often fried, covered in cheese or bathed in sauce, it inevitably becomes a rich and often fatty dish.

However, this food that is being singled out has many benefits. In particular, it helps regulate digestion, lowers blood cholesterol levels and is known to improve hair growth and skin health. In short, potatoes are good for us, so why deprive ourselves of them?


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