OSama Hamdan, a senior leader of the Palestinian militia, said that, despite Hamas’ efforts, Israel backed down and could lead the Qatar-mediated talks to a “dead end”, according to the Palestinian daily Filastin, linked to the Islamist group.

“The response to the three-phase proposal presented to the mediators was negative and does not respond to the demands of our people. These include the cessation of hostilities in Gaza and the return of displaced people to their homes, as well as the withdrawal of the Israeli army from the Gaza Strip “, he stated.

Hamdan said Hamas has shown “flexibility” while Israel “continues to move away from issues that have already been agreed upon” and “postpone” a positive response, which could mean a definitive end to the negotiations.

The Palestinian spokesman blamed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for “blocking the deal” and reaffirmed that the United States “must stop sending weapons to Israel if it really wants to end the genocide in Gaza.”

In February, Hamas presented a counterproposal for a possible ceasefire that calls for a three-phase plan over 135 days, which would include the release of hostages in exchange for 1,500 prisoners, an end to the siege of the Gaza Strip and a process of reconstruction of the Palestinian territories.

The Islamist group responded to a previous proposal from Qatari and Egyptian mediators — supported by the United States and Israel — and insisted on the need for a prolonged ceasefire to accept any type of agreement with the Israeli authorities.

Israel launched an offensive against the Gaza Strip in response to Hamas attacks on October 7, which killed 1,200 people and took 240 hostages.

Since then, the Palestinian Ministry of Health in the enclave has recorded the deaths of more than 31,900 Palestinians, with another 418 killed by Israeli security forces and settlers in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Read Also: Von der Leyen demands immediate ceasefire in Gaza

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2525060/hamas-acusa-israel-de-resposta-negativa-ao-plano-de-cessar-fogo

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